Look for coarse, corky ridges with yellowish color between them. The ridges should stand out from the rind. The stem should be gone, leaving a smooth indentation that's free of mold. Ripe cantaloupes are slightly solf at the end opposite the stem and smell sweet.
The rind should be slightly dull. The ends should be filled out and rounded. A cut melon should have a fairly thin rind and firm, juicy red flesh, white streaks or white seeds are not ripe.
Look for a yellow or cream background, plus a red blush. Choose fruit that's fairly firm and free of bruises an blemishes. Ripe peaches have a pungent aroma.
If the stem pushes into the pear with gentle pressure, then the fruit is ripe. Buy pears that have already begun to soften slightly and you can be sure they'll ripen satisfactorily.
Honeydew melons
Look for firm melons that are creamy or yellowish-white and have a velvety surface and fragrant aroma. Avoid stark white melonsor ones with a greenish tinge. The end opposite the stem should be soft.
Choose firm, not spongy or loose-skinned, fruit. Look for fruit that's heavy for its size, which indicates juiciness.
Look for firm spears that are bright green or purplish-green. Buy medium to thick stalks.
Snap beans
Choose pods that are firm, slender and full of moisture. Avoid beans that are shrivele or have soft spots. Beans should be free of scars and discoloration.
Look for tightly closed florets that are rich, deep and green or green with a purplish tinge. Soft spots or water-soaked buds are sihns of decay.
Select a head that's creamy white with firm, compact florets. The head is overmature if the florets have begun to spread.
Summer squash should be tender, crisp and fairly heavy in relation to its size. The skin should be tender - chyeck it by pushing in with your thumbnail. Winter squash should have a harder hull.
Select long, bright green pods that are wellfilled, feel velvety and snap readily. Avoid yellowish, moldy, swollen or highly speckled pods.
Both green and red peppers should be firm and bright colored. Old peppers are usually soft and dull-looking. Soft, pliable thin-fleshed peppers indicate immaturity.
For both white and yellow corn, husks should be green and the silk should be moist. If a kernel is pierced, it should be firm and give off a milky substance.